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Writer's pictureWendy

Make Space for Change

Updated: Jan 2

The energy of the Age of Aquarius is shifting. The old ways no longer work.

We are transistioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. We have been in the Age of Pisces for about 2100 years. Just think about how many things have evovled since that time. Religion, art, technology, materialism, consumerism, big business and industry and more, these are all part of the Age of Pisces.

The Pisces age was a time of competition, to be the best, to get more, it was a time of being separate from others. I am better, bigger, bolder than you because I have more, did more, own more. It was a time of control, using whatever means it took to control others. It was a time of possessions and appearances. Having more meant you were worth more. It was a time of reaction, this happened in my past so this is how I react now. This time has been described as a time of coming from the mind, of creating from the mind, of thinking.

Shifting to a Heart Consciousness
Shifting to a heart consciousness we are all connected

The Age of Aquarius is a shift from the seperateness of the Pisces age to we are all connected. We are all one consciousness joined by one source, there is no seperation. By hurting you I hurt me. It's a time of heightened awareness and self awareness. We shift from thinking to using our intuition and an energy of knowing. We become more aware, more present with each other, more living in the now. There is an awareness of our responsibility to ourselves, to others and to the planet. A heart consciousness.

In the dawn of Aquarius seeing many old institutions and ways of being crumble. It has been said with the Age of Aquarius we can expect this energy to speed up and old outdated ways breaking down and crumbling at a faster pace. It's time to look at old beliefs, thoughts or rules that no longer make sense to us. Let's bring them up to the light and so we are able to look at them and let them go they no longer apply. The energy is here for letting go, now is the time.

Resistence is Fear.

Like with all change there could be resistence and refusal to accept the shift. Know that resistence is created out of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of what is unseen, fear of change. The Pisces age used fear to control, controlling the status quo, controlling an image, controlling possessions. In most cases fear isn't real, our mind, our thoughts create it. Someone or something has planted that fear in your mind. When a person's way of life is threatened, whether it's real or imagined, most people react out of fear, even if that fear is only imagined.

Fear is one of the lowest vibrational energies. Think about the times you have been in fear, it's all consuming it can be paralyzing keeping you stuck. This shift is about raising our energetic vibration by moving out of fear and into a higher consciousness. We examine the fears we have and really ask, "Is this fear real or is it imagined, is it mine or is it something I was told?" When we raise our energetic vibration we are able to align with a new way energy. We experience this when we move out of fear and into peace or happiness. Peace and happiness vibrate at a higher energetic vibration.

What does this mean for us?

First it's important to know that in order to create something we need to make space for it. This entails letting go of old ways that no longer serve our highest good. It's a time to ask ourselves some big questions:

  • What do we want to take into this new age?

  • What thoughts, beliefs, actions no longer work for us?

  • What are we willing to let go of?

  • What else are we willing to let go of?

  • Are we coming from love or are we coming from fear?

  • What is causing us fear? Is it real.

  • What are we afraid of losing?

  • Is this fear real or imagined?

  • What can we change?

  • If we don't think we can then we can't

  • Why do we think that?

  • What do we think we will lose if we change that?

  • What would we gain if we change that?

  • Is that really true?

  • What choices do we actually have that we never thought we had before?

We are in a time of transformation and change, the old ways do not work for us anymore. We are seeing things that were hidden being exposed causing cracks in the structure and in some cases completely crumbling, creating space and being replaced with something that does work.

Each of us has things in our life we are carrying around with us that are not working. In some cases we see them and let them go or in other cases they are hidden and need to be exposed. The energy of the Age of Aquarius is about exposing the things that are hidden so we can let them go and fill the space with things that do work in our life.

I think of this as a time of decluttering my life, my mind, my body, my heart space. Some of this decluttering I saw coming and some I chose not to see or do anything about it. I can say for sure if we don't do the work the Universe has a way of doing the work for us, of exposing what needs to be exposed and sometimes in ways that we don't expect or desire.

I hope you enjoyed this article. It has been my pleasure to share my discoveries of the Age of Aquarius with you. I am excited to expand and share my discoveries with you. Please check out my website at

In Gratitude.....Wendy Barker

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